
This is my first attempt to blog, another new experience! I hope to share observations, experiences, and researched information that may add a new dimension for the reader. I have spent over half my life in the pursuit of health and wellness, expanding knowledge to achieve this goal, and most importantly sharing with all who wish to join the quest. I still consider myself a student in this process, as new discoveries are made daily. Welcome to the journey...a wellness journey a lifetime in the making.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Unit 10

     Looking back to the unit 3 personal assessments I have discovered my scores have changed. I rated myself higher then in psychological and spiritual areas. I believe this has occurred due to drastic changes in personal life. Apparently, coping mechanisms that had successfully worked to maintain a high status level were no longer enough to sustain status. Steps have been put into place to correct this imbalance. The physical status remains the same. This is seen as a positive rating, as mental distress can affect physical being.
     I feel the goals implemented in unit three are responsible for minimal loss (9 to 8.5 and 8.9 to 8.5) in psychospiritual areas. Likewise, following through with physical goals has allowed status to remain strong. Specifically, addition of more regular sleep hours has taken place. While it is not possible to receive more than an average of 5.5 hours per day, this has provided enough rest to keep the body strong. Also, yoga has provided improvement to both mind and body. Meditative practices are implemented daily, further strengthening the core. Increased activities with dogs have provided an avenue helping psychospiritual and physical status. In many ways I believe the stepped up efforts to more firmly ground self and re-center the core is fully responsible for the minimal decline in status, despite the abrupt changes influencing daily life.
This course has provided insights to self and the reality that surrounds in daily life. I believe the most rewarding part of this course has been the resurrection of ways once lived on a daily basis.  While the practices were never fully discarded, some had become lax, allowing interferences with staying the course to human flourishing. I believe this has improved my overall wellbeing. The most difficult part has been breaking some routines detrimental to wellness.
     As with all experiences, I believe the evaluations and adaptations made over the course of the last ten weeks will enhance my ability to assist others. The re-discovery of tools valuable in health and wellness maintenance coupled with personal experience provides an avenue to offer greater teaching abilities to others. Most importantly, the increased drive to integrate  all aspects of being into a force existing as a catalyst for improving the lives of others has been hightened.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

An Ascliepian journey…

     As many of you are aware my husband was diagnosed with cancer earlier this month. We have made the choice to travel to Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Tulsa for evaluation and treatment. Our journey begins tomorrow night. I share this with you because this may be the closest experience we may have with Ascliepian healing. 
     Over the course of the last three days I have had the pleasure of speaking with a multitude of healers and helpers making our journey as painless as possible. Each person I have spoken with has the gift of listening. We have been nurtured and pampered before leaving home. Upon arriving we look forward to meeting with biological medical staff, a naturopath, a mind-body specialist, a nutritionist, and a spirituality director. Classes are offered to help us through the healing process. A class on the healing power of laughter will be offered, as will many other self-expressive forums. In addition, group forums are offered for support. 
     This is a self-contained facility offering peace and tranquility throughout the healing process. A library is at our disposal for research and greater understanding. This is a holistic approach, person-centered, and designed to treat the patient from each aspect of the being. This will be our journey to wellness.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Unit 9: An on going project...

           Health and wellness professionals benefit greatly when developing psychological, spiritual, and physical aspects of wellbeing. This represents a two-fold process. Such development advances the practitioners own health status, and provides knowledge to improve methodology in assisting others. Healthcare professionals often feel tremendous mental and physical stressors while balancing responsibilities. Expansion of psychological and physical aspects of wellbeing results in stress, and negative physical impacts related to stress, being negated. Equally important is the spiritual aspect of the practitioner.
The elevation of consciousness provides a means for great capacity in compassion and understanding. A well-balanced practitioner is able to offer clear and precise assistance or recommendations to those seeking help. Most importantly, a balanced professional has developed the tools necessary to guide patients toward own elevated health status. Self-reflection is needed by each practitioner to identify areas in which further development is needed. This is an on-going process requiring frequent reassessments. Currently, this author feels need to focus in the area of psychospiritual development.
            Assessments are performed weekly to determine aspects of being slipping out of balance, or appearing underdeveloped. These assessments will vary as growth in some areas accelerates, while others may remain the same. Additionally, reflections at days end will provide immediate insights for addressing short-term issues. In the areas of psychological, spiritual, and physical development, the integral assessment principles assist in identifying and correcting imbalances. These principles allow one to be deeply self-reflective when evaluating current status.  This occurs through introspective analysis of aspect areas to determine which contain significant distress, and where greatest potential for growth lies. In addition, distinction between long and short-term relief from distress or provisions of pleasure becomes clearer. This allows for the development of wisdom to be applied in future situations.     Expanded consciousness achieved through psychospiritual development is foundational to development of full potential.  A clear mind, free from unneeded clutter, provides a nurturing environment to develop all aspects of the person.
            At this time, through application of the principles of integral assessment, personal status is seen as being in good condition. Utilizing a grading score of one to ten (one lowest, ten highest) the following scores are given: physical 9, psychological 8.5, and spiritual 8.5. Lack of major disease or physical distress coupled with an extremely healthy lifestyle results in above average physical status. The use of contemplative practices has provided a solid foundation in mental clarity. The intentional focus of thought has enhanced both the physical and psychospiritual aspects of life. Likewise, achieving a subtle mind state has enriched interpersonal and worldly aspects. Spiritual development is considered high for many of the same reasons. While psychological development has produced the “mechanics” needed to elevate consciousness, the fruits are experienced in the spiritual aspect. The movement away from first-person to recognition of being a small part of the greater existence is quite exhilarating. Free flowing loving-kindness is experienced. A true purpose of self and meaning to life is also experienced.
Although current status is considered good, there is always room for improvements. In the area of physical well being differing activities are needed. Over the course of the last six months stagnation in routines has occurred. To maintain progression, additions of differing mind-body practices to further stimulate growth are needed. Likewise, a change in exercise programs is needed.
From a psychological standpoint, mental state improvements so as not to succumb to recent stressors may also be needed. Sudden changes with a person’s life may result in temporary fluctuations within subtle mind states. Controlling the intrusion is essential to mental wellbeing. Finally, the area of spiritual status requires a deepening sense of interconnectedness with all living things. A good basis exists, but expansion is desired.
To achieve these goals several activities or methods will be applied in daily life. A universal practice to foster growth in physical, psychological and spiritual aspects of life is found in meditation. It has been easy to put off dedicating time for this each day. However, a renewed dedication will provide the means needed to achieve all goals. Dedicated time to clear the mind through relaxation exercises, and the use of visualization will enhance potential for personal growth. Higher levels of meditative practices, and focused visualizations will assist in this endeavor.
In addition, physical activity will be combined with settings creating harmony within. Hikes in the woods and interacting with surroundings to stimulate the body and psychospiritual states will become more frequent. Likewise, the addition of a Tai Chi class will enrich mental and physical states of wellbeing. Continued practice of Yoga will also further enable the mind-body connection. The continued research and expansion of knowledge base will also improve the psychospiritual aspects in being. The involvement with elderly persons provides a positive means for spiritual growth. There is a natural outpouring of loving-kindness to and from these and others.
Currently, there is great need for those willing to help and not expecting compensation in return. This is an avenue for the free flowing compassion, and desire to be useful to others. Knowledge and wisdom accumulated over the years may be shared with the young and old alike. Cooking with Kids classes and Cooking without Kids classes will promote healthy lifestyle choices for the young and aging. Additionally, a community garden has been planted. Fresh vegetables, and fruit when available, are tended to provide those unable to provide for themselves. Any overabundance is donated to the local Samaritan Center for those who come there looking for help. This is not a new project, but rather one in its sixth year. Working to provide service those who are unable to meet needs gives a greater connectedness to those around.
Additionally, the opportunity has presented to be part of a radio-blog directed toward educating others on health and healing. This program will address issues affecting mental, physical, and spiritual health. Outreach to people seeking guidance in beginning a path to holistic wellness has long been an integral part of life for this author.
Afore mentioned goals and methods for attempting success will need monitoring and evaluation. Over the course of the next six months weekly assessments will be made to determine progress in each area. In these assessments the level of follow through, successes, alterations in status, and evaluations to determine any adjusts in life aspects will be made. Devoted daily times have been set aside for meditative practices. In addition, periodic “moments” should be taken throughout the day. This will be essential on days filled with high-pressure demands. Immediate elimination of negative thoughts or actions will be consciously made. Enlistment of a friend to practice yoga or tai chi if class work cannot be continued will keep mind-body practices on track. As needed, support groups may be accessed to ensure mental state remains strong through medical processes ahead. Additionally, continued support will be offered to any and all in need. Finally, accountability will be maintained through the blog created to explore the possibilities of integral health. Postings documenting discoveries, advancements, or regressions will be offered for review.
It is believed by this author through application of the principles of integral health long-term health and wellness will be experienced. Dedicated effort to maintain balance within a centered life will be essential. Also, this must be pursued as an ongoing development of personal status—ever changing and expanding. Most importantly, this holistic experience will result in a purposeful life filled with health, happiness, and wholeness.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Unit 8: Journey home...

Each practice designed to move one closer to integral health has been an enriching experience. Loving-kindness reminded how important an open heart is to wellbeing. The subtle mind exercise renewed enthusiasm to cultivate the mental state and raise consciousness to new dimensions. However, the use of mediation and visualization has provided the greatest impact on wellbeing. Through meditation a deeper understanding and expanded capabilities are developed. This in turn provides widened paths of loving-kindness, and cosmic reaches in consciousness. The use of visualization quickly eliminates obstacles in the path to human flourishing. The discomforts and unease may be quickly removed by mentally escorting them out of the body.
I have found my prime means of meditation lies in nature. The interconnectedness of life abounds and surges through me as I perform my exercises. This renewed surge of life passes through every fiber of my being, gently strengthening the core before outpouring as loving-kindness. The visualizations will prevent set backs or blocks in moving forward in expanding consciousness. To see it is to make it happen, visualizing is the first step in achieving. We must see out goal to move toward it.
Mental fitness may be elevated in a two-fold fashion. First, daily meditation at sunrise (when the world begins a new) and dusk (as life ebbs to a resting state) will enhance each day. The morning may be devoted to gratitude, quietly drinking in the serenity to carry throughout the day. Then, dusk may allow reflection, forgiveness, and self-evaluation. The sounds of nightfall and promise of life in a renewed way will fill the senses. Throughout the day use of visualization will dispel any negativity. Should discord attempt to enter, seeing the flowing river of life will wash all detriments away. During most difficult times visualizing lazily floating down stream in the gently current will renew body and soul.
These choices will promote balance; enrich daily life and interactions with others. The mind will remain uncluttered and crisp. Readiness for expanded consciousness will be present. The ability to give unceasingly will be enhanced, as focus remains outside self. There is no room for negative thoughts, depressed mental states, or unhealthy choices. Life is happy and wellbeing is whole.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The continuing journey...

As we have moved down the path to integral health many revelations have occurred. Renewal of old ways, and a revisited sense of wellbeing have occurred. Through the years I have had the pleasure to learn from those with wisdom passed through generations. I have experienced the truths of holistic wellbeing. Yet, each day I marvel at the wonders that abound; the new research, new methodologies, and ending potential on the horizon. Many travel this path seeking a eutopia while others find it. This entry is to share a personal experience to hopefully encourage others not to abandon the path to wholeness, happiness, and human flourishing.

Let me begin by stating I still see myself a child in learning the ways of integral health. Throughout the years some parts of the practice have developed without knowing the guidelines. Displacing negativity and dwelling in the positive has been a lifetime in the making (thanks mom). From an early age it was instilled selfishness let to negative results. This has been a guiding light in this journey. I do not remember a time when helping was not a natural extension of self (again thanks mom). At first it was something taught, but then it became something chosen. Meditation and prayer have been staples in life much as flour and honey are pantry staples. I feel blessed that both religion and spirituality have been part of the decades. This has been a source of strength when the waters have been rough.

Nutrition and physical activity have been priorities since the teen years. Yes, I have eaten organic all my life. Although, we just referred to it as getting something from the garden. I am sure many of the readers would be appalled at the lack of processed, prepackaged, and nutrient deficit foods in my home. Eating out? Wow, that is trading the neighbors for something we don’t grow! We take time to laugh, cry and love, embracing the vitality of each day.
If you have begun this journey with the idea at the end is perfection, read on. For all that has been done right, for all the happiness and hope there is still the pitfalls of life. I believe a large part of integral health is building the foundations needed to navigate life’s obstacles. It is not a perfect world, but the principles when applied make it a much better place.

I had not planned to marry again after the loss of my spouse (death), and was quite content with life and my practice. However, things change. I have been married to a wonderful man for the last nine and a half years. We continue to live a simple lifestyle, working to serve others. We have been fortunate in having the ability to grow food to share with those in need. This sounds as though we, together and individually, have accomplished the goals of human flourishing. Perhaps to a certain degree, but there is much more to learn.

Today within this ideal world (for me anyway) a cloud entered. My husband was diagnosed with cancer. Perhaps the strangest part is not falling apart or becoming emotionally overloaded. I believe we are experiencing the fruits of working toward integral health. With clear mind, decisions are being made and plans put into action. It is an obstacle to overcome, not devastation. Perhaps this is the point of the teachings, the strength to endure and overcome dwells within.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Unit 7: An Ascliepian Approach

Meeting Asciepius was a revisit with an old friend. Performing the exercise was an easy transition from a meditative state. With a clear mind and open heart the visualization was without hesitation. The resurgence of uplifting and loving nurture filled my being. Throughout the week daily practice of relaxation, loving-kindness, subtle mind, and Asciepian guidance has taken place. At first it was a challenge to fit into the schedule, but then I reprioritized my day. After all isn’t that part of the journey, discerning between what enhances and what hinders?

Mindfulness and meditative practices have greatly enhanced my psychospiritual wellness. While all the same stressors and demands remain in daily life a new perspective has developed. The ability to function more effectively with work and in private life has resulted. This is a return to what was once a daily occurrence. By this I mean a reviving of spirituality that once carried me through the darkest of days, shining like a beacon guiding the way.
I know now without a doubt consciousness raising requires dedicated exercise or it will stagnate, and eventually fade. Daily application of mindfulness meditation will enhance all aspects of my life. Time is set aside for practices and hesitation is gone to “take a moment” during the day to refocus. How can I offer benefit to others if I am neglecting the core responsible for the outreach in the first place? “One cannot lead another where one has not gone himself” is a profound statement.

As a health and wellness professional I have shared, and experienced this statement a hundred-fold. Since beginning practice many years ago, a holistic approach has been taken with patients/clients. Early on a realization occurred to practice any form of medical treatment without addressing all aspects of the individual was an ineffective approach. To offer a botanical based on symptoms does not differ from offering an antibiotic based on symptoms. To offer advice without a personal understanding was unacceptable. This resulted in expansion and application of multiple disciplines to address all aspects of a person. My first patient was myself. 

I felt it essential to know and understand the psychological, physical, and spiritual impacts on heath. How could I possibly prescribe a form of health enhancement if I did not understand what vitalized health? With each step of the process, (still on going) the further development of psychospiritual and physical development offers new means to teach others.
Psychological and spiritual development through meditation, prayer, and specific mindfulness activities has enriched my personal life. I find joy in helping where needed. Volunteer work is also gratifying. I have developed even further spiritually through this work. Working toward development of only positive thought (in some instances harder than others) has provided the means to keep a more quieted mind. This has enriched my personal relationships and allowed me to appreciate the wonders (great & small) in daily life.

(I am an unlicensed practitioner working in collaboration with several licensed MDs in the area. My methodology includes nutritional therapy, botanicals, reflexology, homeopathy, exercise, and encouragement of contemplative practices. Psychospiritual evaluation is part of every medical history and carries equal weight with physical status.)  

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Unit 6: Loving-kindness & Integral Assessment

Practicing the loving-kindness exercise brought about a warm “hugged” feeling. I attribute this to the sentences being very familiar to morning prayer and mindfulness focus during meditation. In daily routine, the day is began by offering whatever is possessed to anyone in need. Throughout the day brief periods of meditation provide a much needed re-centering, again this is directed to help those I am in contact with rather than becoming overwhelmed by their need.
The integral assessment offered opportunity to focus in and objectively evaluate current status. Some weeks really are better than others. At this point, I believe self-regulation and health promotion need immediate attention. Generally, health is good with no major complaints except fatigue. However, a closer look would reveal this is the calm before the storm. Nutrition is excellent and fitness is very good, but the physical being is pushed beyond capabilities daily. When at home high demands/work load take 9-10 hours of physical activity daily (including community outreach). Also, another 2+ hours of additional evaluation and research is needed. One to two hours a day is needed for parents (communication, doctor conference calls, etc.). Three to four hours are applied to school and what is left of the day must cover all personal needs. One weekend day is taken to be with husband and “catch-up” on everything else, the other day is school. Every 3-4 weeks this schedule is changed to one placing me as primary caregiver for parents 24/7 for 2-3 weeks at a time. During time available distance work and school demands are still met. Now the one or two hour break is spent in communication with husband, giving support as needed. This is the proverbial “burning the candle at both ends” but no end is in sight. The biological detriment will occur, so now is the time to address the issue before this happens. Some changes in fitness routines are already helping. Thanks to this class a return to contemplative practices and scheduled relaxation time, revitalization is occurring. I believe improving self-regulation will assist in health promotion and provide the insight to function better rather than working harder. I know there are people with many more responsibilities than mine; I applaud their abilities. At the same time, I am very grateful for the levels achieved in other life aspects. Those balances have allowed maintenance of these demands.